At Little Kingdom School, it is our endeavour to delve deeper into the true purpose of education by giving our students opportunities and an environment that is positive, inspiring, challenging and stimulating. We want each one of our students to follow their bliss, blaze new trails and open new avenues. Being the pioneer of Play Nursery in Jabalpur, Little King-dom School was founded as a crèche that has now proudly metamor-phosed into one of the premier educational institution in the city.
Our Vision
“To be the pre-eminent centre of learning in the country sculpting future leaders with global prospective.”
Our Mission
“Our mission is to prepare our students to be truly global citizens & lifelong learners. We aim to provide them with education of the highest academic order.
Our aim is to prepare them for life”.

Our history, experience and research have endowed us with a better understanding of the way children grow, play and imbibe knowledge garnered over a period of two & a half decades
Rohini Dhruva Gaikwad
M.H.Sc. (Child Development), B.Ed.

As our vision statement states:
“To be the pre-eminent centre of learning in the country sculpting future leaders with global prospective”
I truly believe that real education should coincide with a larger prospective of life , other than just academics. For the past three decades Little kingdom School, is on a mission to empower its students to think and act outside the box and put their head , heart , hands & soul in whatever they choose to do in life.
I wish them all the very best .
Udit Gaikwad
B.Com., MBA
(Marketing & HR)
The Little Kingdom temple of knowledge stands firmly rooted on the solid foundation of life’s core values. It has emerged as a premier institution that creates and disseminates knowledge. Upholding the highest standards, Little Kingdom offers tomorrow’s education in an environment of academic freedom where the minds meet, explore, discover and learn.
An unparalleled unit of highly qualified and trained faculty, equipped with outstanding infrastructure and best of amenities is what makes Little kIngdom so special. In a world that is changing so rapidly, simply adhering to a set curriculum will not serve the purpose.
At Little Kingdom, we enable our students with first rate education coupled with vital practical skills to make sure that they stand tall in today’s vying world.
Palak Tiwari Gaiekwad
B.Sc. (Electronic Media),
M.A. (Mass Comm.)

Our Affiliations

Nature Nurture
In a world which is dynamic and filled with the growing needs of education and training, it is becoming quite difficult for schools and teaching facilities to cope with the evolving pace. Modern infrastructure, newer technologies, and the ever-evolving needs of the education industry are driving the focus from just read and write to the creation of innovative ideas, acquiring knowledge, and inculcating values and skills. Learners are encouraged to develop their personal and social skills. Since each learner is unique in his/her own way, NatureNurture ensures that they get ample time and scope to refine their skills and define their focus in life. We strongly believe in the axiom “the child is the curriculum”
NatureNurture Eduserv Pvt. Ltd. offers experiential learning and connects the daily school curriculum with real life associations to ensure constant learning, developing a problem-solving attitude, and enhancing decision-making skills. We enable our learners to communicate effectively, to express their thoughts and ideas, honor all living things, share their real-life experiences and forge meaningful relationships. Learners are groomed to be technologically savvy and to become the competent citizens of tomorrow.
NatureNurture’s integrated curriculum is a thematic learning programme that capitalizes on the learners’ existing knowledge through establishing a correlation with different domains of learning. It elevates them to a higher level of thinking and provides a plethora of opportunities in which to be meaningfully engaged, in sync with their interests and intelligences.
Indian Principals' Network
Indian Principals' Network (IPN) - is a nationwide network of school leaders established with an aim to work as a 'think tank' at the national level in order to bridge the gap between thought leaders of various boards coming together on a common platform for the purpose of exchange of best practices, learning and knowledge.
Education Today
Educationtoday.co is an online education portal with a division of Bi-monthly magazine that extensively focuses on the K-12 segment, Institution Profiling from selected cities, and a ra
nge of topics that include current issues, educators’ interviews, school ranking results and more in relevance to educators as well as learners.
Jogo Gyan
Jodo Gyan has developed innovative methods and materials for developing Number Sense, the teaching of fractions and decimals, integers and other mathematical concepts and reasoning. In the area of early numbers, these methods focus on the development of Number Sense. In this approach, the connection of the number with quantity is kept alive which helps to connect to the lived experiences and intuitions of the child. This quantity aspect of Number Sense has been seen to be powerful in the learning of fractions and algebra in later stages. This method also strongly focuses on counting and then structured counting which follows the natural and flexible ways of mental addition and subtractions. This approach also involves the use of the empty number line as a very powerful tool to support thinking and reasoning about numbers.

Early Childhood Association
The Early years of a child's life are indeed the foundational years... everyone associated with early childhood wants to safeguard childhood, to give children their rights, to make available for our teachers, be it in balwadis or International schools and parents the best international research about child development and learning.
The Early Childhood Association is an initiative that addresses all of this and much more and brings together all stakeholders be it teachers, media, parents, experts and more, so that childhood years cane be enriched.
The Early Childhood Association is set up with the vision that all the preschools, balwadis, N.G.O's, children's activity classes, parents, student teachers, media houses, companies that deal with children's products, in short everyone connected to young children can all come together to advocate, discuss, learn and share, connect and bring about a change in the quality of care development and learning in early childhood in India.
Science Olympiad Foundation
SOF is an Educational Organization popularizing academic competition and assisting development of competitive spirit among school children.
SOF was established by leading academicians, scientists and media personalities with the aim of promoting Science, Mathematics, Computer Education, English, General Knowledge and professional courses. Science Olympiad Foundation has been striving for close to 25 years to promote scientific attitude and temperament through innovative activities and use of IT in learning process that involve school students across the globe.
Education World
India's #1 education magazine; ParentsWorld -- India's parenting magazine; and education-related books, and India's #1 education portal www.educationworld.in
EducationWorld is being enthusiastically supported by some of the most progressive and committed people in Indian industry and academia. Among the well-known names on our Board of Advisors are Dr. F.C. Kohli, Adi Godrej, N.R. Narayana Murthy, Dr. V. Krishnamurti, Dr. Ramdas Pai and Prof. N.S. Ramaswamy.
Central Board of Secondary Education
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is a national level board of education in India for public and private schools, controlled and managed by Union Government of India. CBSE ha
s asked all schools affiliated to follow only NCERT curriculum. There are approximately 20,299 schools in India and 220 schools in 28 foreign countries affiliated to the CBSE.
Scholastic’s mission is to help the individual child learn and grow. Every day, we start with the life of the child who we’re trying to reach with our work. We think about what that child is experiencing, what they might know or not know, and what might be most inspiring to them. To help them, we must know who they are. Each day we try to reach to the very heart of what each child will uniquely respond to—what will change the way they think about themselves and the world, and what will give them the tools and skills they need to navigate their own individual future, and collectively, the future of the 21st century.
Creating Intelligent, Interactive and Immersive learning experiences.
Practically is a young insurgent brand from a team of energetic people who passionately believe in reshaping the way the world learns. We believe that there is an explorer, hidden deep within each of us, who is often stifled by the rigid notions of conventional education. We want to reach out to that explorer within every learner and unleash their true potential for limitless learning.
Great Place to Study
Great Place to Study Research Institute is a global auditing & data intelligence firm engaged into classifying and recognising high performance student engagement institutes. Our student satisfaction survey and independent review certification process is build on in-depth research, focus group meeting with top academicians, adoption of best global standards and benchmarks.
GPTS’s search platform is a video based search engine that enables students across the globe search colleges, match colleges, discover career and apply to multiple colleges across the globe by building one profile.
A mission driven organisation that that connects colleges to students and visa versa, in order to provide the best opportunity and success. The backbone of the platform is based on the 5 key parameter which defines a happy institute i.e. Great Learning experience, Extra-curricular opportunities, clean and hygienic infrastructure, Memorable life on campus and Happiness quotient of the students.